अति संक्षेप शोध सारांश:
Psychologists offer insightful analysis on issues including motivation, personality, and social relationships. This analysis can help guide therapies and strategies aimed at enhancing mental wellness outcomes and general quality of life. \r\n Their commitment to advancing psychological well-being, fighting for social change, and promoting mental health highlights the significance of psychological understanding in resolving the multifaced issues that affect both individuals and communities. The knowledge and sensitivity of psychologists will continue to be crucial in helping us to build empathy, resilience, and a more accepting and helpful society as we navigate an ever-changing environment.\r\nIn conclusion, psychologists make significant and varied contributions to humanity.
शोधार्थी | अनुजा जैन |
पता | 20/97/3, जैन गली धूलिया गंज, आगरा (उत्तर प्रदेश) , 282003 |
मोबाइल नंबर | 90840 11435 |
ई-मेल | anujajain0498@gmail.com |
प्रकार | ई-बुक/ई-पठन |
भाषा | English ( Hindi ) |
कॉपीराइट | हाँ |
पठन आयु वर्ग | सभी लोग |
कुल पृष्टों की संख्या | 80 |
ISBN(आईएसबीएन) | N/A |
शोध संस्थान का नाम | दिव्य प्रेरक कहानियाँ मानवता अनुसंधान केंद्र |
Publisher/प्रकाशक | दिव्य प्रेरक कहानियाँ, साहित्य विधा पठन एवं ई-प्रकाशन केंद्र |
अति संक्षेप शोध सारांश | Psychologists offer insightful analysis on issues including motivation, personality, and social relationships. This analysis can help guide therapies and strategies aimed at enhancing mental wellness outcomes and general quality of life. \r\n Their commitment to advancing psychological well-being, fighting for social change, and promoting mental health highlights the significance of psychological understanding in resolving the multifaced issues that affect both individuals and communities. The knowledge and sensitivity of psychologists will continue to be crucial in helping us to build empathy, resilience, and a more accepting and helpful society as we navigate an ever-changing environment.\r\nIn conclusion, psychologists make significant and varied contributions to humanity. |
अन्य कोई अभियुक्ति | |
पर्यवेक्षक/मार्गदर्शक | |
अपलोड करने की तिथि | 30-03-2024 |